[net.poems] To God

mhauck@ihuxk.UUCP (06/16/83)

To God	6/16/83

At times I scream to you
Help me to overcome
And peace flows within

But I sin to much
Beg you to forgive
And you smile upon me.

I cry for a healing
Yet, be it your will
And I have received the reply

I anger at him who completes me
Hurting and praying for understanding
And you have given me peace

Help me to forget the past
Memories of what is needed only
And my mind clears

To you God
I give my love
And Christ blesses me


mhauck@ihuxk.UUCP (08/17/83)

To God 8/17/83

You have watched me grow
Showing the paths of knowing you
I was never alone
With God I live and love

Trees grow and love flows
The stream that feeds us all
For time changes our hearts
And love moves to a higher plane

God watches us and smiles
Our triumphs are his triumphs
He carries us when we are down
The crutch we need in bad times

Oh God, you have given me much
Love, life, home and health
I worship you and yours
Come live with me, and mine.

Mary Hauck