[net.poems] Two : for Pedro

za16ao@sdccsu3.UUCP (za16ao) (08/24/83)


Hazel eyes, flashing.
Stumbling, choking through the deepness
of your molten gaze, I falter.
Words fading; thoughts muddied 
as my trembling eyes move slowly up
to embrace your own.
Follow, I cry, only follow
my waiting tears with your golden arms!


I am obsessed with gold.
The colour lingers on my hand,
like the dust of mothwings,
long after your glowing skin has forgotten my touch.
The warmth sustains me;
the gold of sun and summer, of sand and scented grasses.
Let me leave my memories in your fingertips -- 
the sunset beckons; pink, blue and gold.
I will follow, hoping that
the fire might perhaps not wholly forget
the tiny twig it has enflamed.

Lady Arwen