tebo@gatech.UUCP (08/29/83)
The path to follow is not long or hard. But you must find it. The truth of the matter is not at hand.... Look for it, or not. Smile at all times, or not. Look for it, or not. The end of now is not here, but here. The listless life of the policeman is not for me, If I knew what I wanted to do I'd do it. NOW is it. Here is where. I am He. Do it. If we never know where or when, then HOW? If we never know there or then, then NOW! If we can never speak or ken, then WOW, What a place to BE! For the end of knowing must come to one, When he see what the will does to now and then. The force of the will acting upon the ego Can cause the old dog to withdraw, to bend. There's a pardox to be resolved: The Parrot talks, or not at all.