[net.poems] two faces

elbaum@reed.UUCP (Elbaum) (08/31/83)

Two Faces

If in a fit of torment
and incomprehension I
strike at you and disfigure
the way we know each other
you would know why-

but, knowing, would you tell me
with your eyes
in quiet understanding?

We have lived together long enough
for such surprise to break us both
for awhile.

Feeling as we both do now
we lie in bed and watch the rain,
your head resting in my hand;

you aren't afraid of lightning
or storms, but you still shiver
a little 
at the thunder

and pull my free arm closer
and curl up a little, and
I kiss you

just before we fall asleep
against the screen of rain.

               -Daniel Elbaum
               (comments, etc to