[net.poems] no.rhymes

rm.mincemeat@syteka.UUCP (rm.mincemeat) (09/20/83)

	      Someone once said
	      The world is like a sandy place
	      And if they didn't I am, now:
	      The world is like a sandy place
	      And I am like an ant lion
	      A doodle bug, neuropterous myrmeleon
	      At the bottom of my funnel
	      At the eye of my vortex,
	      My conic hole, whole tunnel
	      I lurk buried to my neck-
	      Sometimes something happens by
	      And slips and falls, drops in,
	      I eat it all, I suck them dry,
	      These items that me encounter;
	      I swell with juice, I click my jaws,
	      I shit tiny dry morsels-
	      No distort perspectives here;
	      I see the sun I see the stars
	      The world turns above me
	      I eat these things that come;
	      I stand serene in my knowledge
	      Stand secure in my droppings-
	      The truth is clear to me:
	      Food and shit, that's all there is.
