[net.poems] What is net.poems for?

mhauck@ihuxk.UUCP (M.J.H) (09/21/83)

I discovered this news group last year sometime when I took a look at
my .newsrc file.  I had never seen any poetry so I started posting.
I've always loved to write, stores mostly, but poetry seems to come out
of me naturally.  I never liked the rhymning poems, but have discovered
they don't have to be like greeting cards.  When I discovered this group
I thought what a way to express myself and not bother anyone.  I assumed
that people that didn't like poetry wouldn't read it.  Now I discover I
was wrong, a lot of people read net.poems.  I like Free Verse and write
Free Verse.  I write here because I want to write here.  For those who
like to tear apart whatever is written I request that you hit the n key
when you see my name.  My poetry is for me and my enjoyment, I force
no one to read it, everyone has the n key, so there are no execuses.

We seem to forget that poets are overly emotional and do not take
searing critism well.  More then once I've had people ask me to read
there poetry, because they need some small encouragment to put in on
the net.  They are afraid of getting flamed from some thoughless person
who doesn't like what they write.  My comment is all you none published
poets, put up your poems and ignore the fools that flame, they can't
do any better, I've seen the results.

Flame to /dev/null I don't want to hear it.
Mary Hauck poet

alle@ihuxb.UUCP (09/21/83)


Don't worry about the boors who tear apart poetry!  I have noticed
that the appreciation of the beauty of poetry is also in the eyes
of the beholder (as is the appreciation of beauty in all other things).

Many people think that they are experts in a topic and that that gives
them the right to criticize others freely.  I do not claim to be an
expert in poetry, but I have written poems in my time that I am sure
the critics would love to get their claws into.  I do not read much
of what is in net.poems, but I almost always read what you submit.

Please continue your submissions!  I feel that this newsgroup is
here for free expression by anyone!  I would welcome flames on
this opinion from any ______ (insert your favorite expletive)
who is brave enough to expose his ignorance and intolerance.

Allen England at BTL, Naperville, IL