[net.poems] social consciuosness

mr.mincemeat@syteka.UUCP (mr.mincemeat) (09/27/83)

		I must write a poem
		A socially conscious poem
		I really must, you know-
		I have no choice but to describe
		The running soundless figures I saw
		In dying color
		All over my TV screen

		It is my cosmic obligation
		To record the bursts of flame;
		The bottles that held the liquor
		That fueled the revolutionary fire
		In the hearts and minds of the people
		Now filled with gasoline;
		Strange flowers bloom on roofs and walls
		The walls of who knows what;

		And to achieve integrity
		I must immortalize
		Those all too mortal unknown people
		Shot down by some others
		(Were they soldiers?)
		Bleeding in dying in the streets
		Far away in some nameless land
		And in my living room.

