[net.poems] Serious Stuff, eh?

eric@washu.UUCP (09/29/83)

Well, after reading about all this non-rhyming poem type stuff
it seems about time for a good old fashion type poem that ryhmes


	     A, like, Tribute to the Great White North, eh?

	The, uh, snowy mountains are like really cold, eh?
	And the, um, plains stretch out like my moms girdle, eh?
	There's lotsa beers and donuts for everyone, eh?
	So the last one to be peaceful and everything is a big idiot,

	So shut yer face up and dry yer mucklucks by the fire, eh?
	And dream about girls with their high beams on, eh?
	They may be cold, but thats okay! Beer's better that way!

	Good Day!