[net.poems] Free

ronb@tekgds.UUCP (Ron Blair) (10/03/83)

I tend to agree with R. C. Call about the amount of work needed to
make good free verse.  It seems reasonable to expect verse appearing
here to have had that work but maybe it is the best the author can do.
If the piece still conveys (even partially) some meaning, I still want
to see it.  If it continues, I will just skip over that author's next piece.
There are some emotions like self pity that can get really yukie in a
poem (or any other medium) and I would skip them too.

There are bunches of folk out there who know a lot more about poetry
than I do.  Perhaps some examples of *good* free verse would be in order.
What are your ideas of good poetry?  When you read/heard it something
stuck - the author succeeded in communicating some concept.  What was it?
Pointing to a piece to show how, in comparison, another piece might be
improved (without sarcasm or anger) would be interesting to me.

This IS a good place to discuss things like this.  There have been some
rather hot remarks but that is probably healthy.  Cool the flames and
bring on the verse (free, cheap, or expensive)!

    Ron B.    ...tektronics!tekgds!ronb