[net.poems] Free Verse and Modern Art

reid@uwvax.ARPA (Glenn Reid) (10/04/83)

I see a parallel between "Free Verse" and "Modern Art."  There is an awful
lot of Modern Art which resembles pigment flung against canvas, or which is
literally created by a famous basketball player bouncing his ball in paint and
then on canvas....

In my mind, there must exist some premise for this "expression," in order for
me to really enjoy this type of art.  Sometimes the pieces speak for themselves
and are overwhelmingly "successful."  Other times, my opinion hinges on what I
know of the artist (poet), whether I know him to be already accomplished at
"realist" art (and therefore more 'qualified' to be expressive) or whether the
artist/poet in question is my younger sister....

You have to EARN your right to do this sort of thing, in my book.  Luckily,
you can earn this privilege the first time out if you are good enough....

Glenn Reid
..seismo!uwvax!reid  (reid@uwvax.arpa)