[net.poems] kidventure

mr.mincemeat@syteka.UUCP (mr.mincemeat) (11/05/83)

		I remember the way
		To dance precariously the trail along the cliff
		The dip there, that wash,
		Cling to the fence now, step over space
		Round rocks, below, river rocks;
		The river is gone but they remain
		Down there grey and waiting
		So far below, it must be a mile
		So far for falling
		To bounce on those rocks
		And lie soggy and red on the highway-

		But today is for higher things
		This trail has an end
		A little field above the cliff
		Rusting wire sags on charred posts;
		And father in, past the ragged fence
		The solitary half burned
		Dead and lonely cottonwood
		Barkless above the scorched grass;

		White, white everywere
		White among the black
		The wood, the alkali,
		Even the air itself, somehow
		Catching something from the clean
		Loneliness of the place:
		The waiting calm of burnt out places-

		On this cliff among the white
		A transitory peace
		Sprinkled with ashes.

