[net.poems] "We've worn out the glitter"

za16ao@sdccsu3.UUCP (11/30/83)

I haven't written anything in a long while, so I'd really appreciate any


We've worn out the glitter,
babe.  I'm not so young,
and fool if I - hell, I don't know.
You're half-sprawled on the bar stool,
wet trickle-damp hair-curls;
your forehead, lined.  Musk and musty alccohol
mingle on your hands, tapping at the glass.  We're not so
young, babe.  My jeans have holes,
and the dirty underwear,
beer bottles (empty),
dusty Sunday papers on the floor
aren't really me.  Those sneezy cats
and late-night noisy phonecalls
aren't you, either,
Babe, I'm tired.  The dog needs feeding 
and hell if I'm going to spend another night
howling at the beer-bread moon.
We've worn out the glitter, girl:
let's pick up the laundry and the paper
and go on home.

        -=< Lady Arwen >=-
