[net.poems] mincemeat speaks!!

mr.mincemeat@syteka.UUCP (mr.mincemeat) (11/16/83)

Boys and girls:

Once upon a time, I started writing poems in my room. (that is to say, on
paper in my room.)  I saved up a lot of fragments and silly bits of humor
in a growing collection of notebooks and sheets of paper, languishing away
to no particular end. Finally I got ambitious enough to finish a few, and
was rather pleased with the result. It may not have been good but it did say
what I meant. Anyway, time went on and I collected a goodly lot of finished
material, hidden away in my file cabinet.  For some odd reason, I decided that
I was not enough of an audience for my poetickal endeavors, and showed some
cautiously to a friend.
The response was quite favorable, so I showed the lot.  The response was
quite favorable, so I trundled them around to some other people, somewhat
less intellectually parallel with myself, with the same strongly positive
response. I have been tossing them out into the great green phosphor sink
with a few entertaining responses, but not much actual return.  Now, I get
a lot of personal satisfaction out of dumping these jokes and ideas and
personal snippets out onto the world, sort of my equivalent of restroom
graffiti, but sometimes I wonder if anybody but myself uses this particular
stall.... so, kids, not that I will stop writing on the wall, because this
is lots of fun, but there are a lot of differing viewpoints out in the
great electronic jungle there, and I am honestly curious about what sort
of impression I am creating with these poems.



norm@ariel.UUCP (N.ANDREWS) (11/17/83)

If art reflects the artist's metaphysical value standards and sense of life
and view of humankind and self-worth, then I conclude, upon reading his poems,
that I probably wouldn't like to know mr.mincemeat... I don't even like the
name, but it sort of fits the tone-style-theme-sensoflife of his poems.
He wants feedback, doesn't he?  I think he wants attention of any kind, not
just feedback. Norm Andrews ariel!norm

jss@brunix.UUCP (Judith Schrier) (12/08/83)

I wrote to you once, but an 'r' didn't work for the address you come up
with in the net.poetry section. Today I looked up a path for syteka, which
may work.

{In fact, it didn't, so I'm posting this in public.}

What I said a few weeks or months or some period of time ago, was that I
wasn't sure if you were aware that what you were writing was real, worthwhile
poetry. I said that partly because of the nom de plume you use, and partly
because of the rather wry, sometimes bitter, quality of your poems.

Now that you are "publishing", keep it up. I'm just getting around to looking
at the last couple of weeks poetry (and really shouldn't be using the time this
way, but what the hell...), and finding all kinds of interesting stuff.
