[net.poems] life

pjane (10/27/82)

		   "At a certain moment a doctor will
		determine that my brain has ceased
		to function and that, for all intents
		and purposes, my life has stopped.
		   "When that happens, do not attempt
		to instill artificial life into my
		body by the use of a machine.  And
		don't call this my 'deathbed.'  Call it
		my 'bed of life,' and let my body be
		taken from it to help others lead
		fuller lives.
		   "Give my sight to a man who has
		never seen a sunrise, a baby's face
		or love in the eyes of a woman.
		   "Give my heart to a person whose 
		own heart has caused nothing but 
		endless days of pain.
		   "Give my blood to the teenager
		who has been pulled from the wreck-
		age of his car, so that he might live
		to see his grandchildren play.
		   "Give my kidneys to one who de-
		pends on a machine to exist from
		week to week.
		   "Take my bones, every muscle,
		every fiber and nerve in my body
		and find a way to make a crippled
		child walk.
		   "Explore every corner of my 
		brain.  Take my cells, if necessary,
		and let them grow so that someday a 
		speechless boy will shout at the
		crack of a bat and deaf girl will
		hear the sound of rain against her
		   "Burn what is left of me and
		scatter the ashes to the winds to 
		help the flowers grow.
		   "If you must bury something, let 
		it be my faults, my weaknesses and
		all prejudice against my fellow man.
		   "Give my soul to God.
		   "If by chance you wish to remem-
		ber me, do it with a kind deed or
		word to someone who needs you.  If
		you do all I have asked, I will
		live forever."

				     Robert N. Test

mhauck (02/08/83)

Life of Mine

My life is at peace, I walk with God.
My husband holds my hand
We walk the road of life, unafraid of tomorrow
Each day brings a new world to explore.
How I love to live and to grow with God.

The weather outside is cold and snowy
But we are warm and happy in each others arms
I am free of all the pains of this world.
God has touched my heart and made me free.
I have peace of mind and life forever.

There is a rainbow in my life
Stretched across the road to tomorrow.
We walk toward it and smile at it's beauty.
The blue sky calls to my spirit, and it answers
My spirit flys up to join with the rainbow.

Sweet life I do enjoy the peace you bring.
God gives mighty gifts, but this one is best
God gave me Steve, I can want no more
No matter what the road is like
We will never stumble, we have each other.


cjc@mhuxm.UUCP (08/09/83)

This poem tugged at my heart the first time I read it, and I think
it is worth sharing.  It is about my mother-in-law.  You say she
must be a special person for someone to write a poem about her,
well, she is.  It is about her life:  born and raised on a farm in
Vermont, wed her sweetheart from a neighboring farm at 19, and lost
him to leukemia at 20.  She left for the big city to get over her
loss and met my husband's father.  The rest is history......
Your mother worked real hard
	when she was just a child
The stories that she tells are
	very seldom wild
She has tended, cleaned and scrubbed
	in many other homes
And all of this she did then
	cleaning up her own
Sometimes she'd get to do
	a thing she really liked
With pride you cannot miss
	she tells of rides by bike
Along the country roads up hill
	and down through dale
The climbs and length of which
	would tend to make us pale
Beyond the road the swimming hole
	her summer place
So it chilled the bones
	those memories retrace
I've felt the water, clear, cold
	lightly colored blue
I do not doubt her body
	turned that color, too
She met and loved and lost
	both in swift occasion
Her grief was strong and it
	rent her whole persuasion
First school then work at
	Pan Am Communications
That's where we began our
	very first flirtations
Through a Dutch door it was
	I'd see her smiling face
We fell in love and wed
	our lives you now embrace
Then Mom swelled with more than pride
	Robin was alive
Lots of care and loving there
	soon the count was five
Its been great and lots of fun
	lots of trouble too
Here she is please love her, do
		Everlastingly your husband
	she's everything to you

aaw@pyuxss.UUCP (Aaron Werman) (12/20/83)

Sheryl, from Brooklyn,
Sacrificed your first
To Abe.

You tried sterno,
And I Drano.
You tried fire,
And I ashes.

Social virtues are for the
Socially virtuous
What's left for you and I?

Dreams hold us together
(can't you dream of me?)
Your next is yours,
Will you abet life?

	Aaron {allegra|harpo|ihnp4|pyuxi|zeppo}!pyuxss!aaw