[net.poems] Two poems from Mary Hauck

mhauck@ihuxk.UUCP (M.J.H) (01/04/84)

Touching 1/4/84

The gentle touch
	That tells me you are near.
A warm hand reaching for mine
	reminds me of your love.
I find reassurance in your arms
	they keep the world away.
We talk and sometimes
	we say nothing at all.
My husband, life and love
	I need you.
Mary Hauck

I, the star 1/4/84

For the world is filled
 and I am but a star in the sky
One, alone, and yet not alone
 because God is with me
I am a spirit that walks this earth
 to see what living is about

And I see life
 good, bad and ugly
Each makes a space living fully
 or so they believe
I see poverity, 
 but they never give up

I watch a baby born
 and grow old and die
The child has lived 
 the life of its chosing
And I am please
 to have shared the experience

I the star thats watches
 this earth mature
For it is growing old
 as I am in the sky
Each we go
 to our separate ends
Mary Hauck