[net.poems] HELP, opinions needed

mhauck@ihuxk.UUCP (M.J.H) (01/13/84)

The American Poetry Anthology wants to publish one of my poems.
The problem is that they want $35.00 to do it.  My poem would be
in volumne three.  It doesn't say if they send me that volumne or
if I have to get them all.  There is a refund if you don't want the book.
What should I do? My husband thinks it's a rip off.
I almost got burned on a book supposed to be about my family name. 
It turned out to be how to find out about your family.  I don't know
what to do, any ideas would be helpful.
Mary Hauck

ccf@cbosgd.UUCP (Chuck F.) (01/16/84)

	I too was approached by the American Poetry Anthology
	and they offered to publish a poem of mine for $20.
	I submitted the $20 and my epic poem "My Life So Far"
	but they returned both the poem and the money with a
	short note claiming that it was "unsuitable for the
	current edition."  Perhaps the length (approximately
	7,800 lines at this point) or the unusual rhyming
	scheme (AAA BBB CCC etc.) dampened their enthusiasm.

	I think that I have found a better place to publish
	my poetry, and best of all, it is free.  Every Saturday
	the Columbus Citizen-Journal devotes the Letters to the
	Editor Section to poetry.  The poetry editor, Esther Weakly,
	seems to prefer Christmas poems, so holiday verse seems
	to have a better than average chance for publication.  I
	usually just change the title of a poem to something that
	sounds Christmassy and it invariably appears the following
	Saturday.  Other poets out in netland can make use of this
	forum by submitting their poetry to:

			Poetry Editor
			Columbus Citizen-Journal
			34 S. Third St.
			Columbus, Ohio

	Needless to say, Mr. Mincemeat would just be wasting $0.20
	if he were to send his verse.

				*<--- chuck --->*

				BTL Columbus