[net.poems] Have a nice day

ellis@flairvax.UUCP (Michael Ellis) (03/03/84)

For how much longer will we tolerate Mass Murder?

Just one question
for how much longer will we tolerate mass murder?
is a mark of apathy
is a daily policy
there's a hell of a lot of money to be made from wars

What's pathetic is our apathy
in the face of the misery of
our inaction in the face of 
their murder and enslavement

Nixon and Kissinger
should be tried for war crimes
for the secret bombing
of Cambodia

spells plutonium
the muslims are rising up
that means holy war

Every badly paid moment
of boredom on  a production line
is a violent crime

In our ignorance
people are killed
in your decadence
people die

All that we ask for
is our very own garden of eden
all that we get is
a garden of interballistic missiles

Phallic nuclear warheads
were born in the hearts of men
why let sadistic mass murderers
control our world

Action to back up belief

Children born with unacclaimed joy
they're planning the holocaust
children born with unacclaimed joy

Mark Stewart