[net.poems] no singing no dancing

mr.mincemeat@syteka.UUCP (mr.mincemeat) (03/08/84)

		So I shot it and it fell
		Fell but didn't die
		It stood up its neck half gone
		And again I shot and
		Took off the top of its head
		Still it got up and lopsided grinning
		One hand thrust out
		Kept coming at me
		Another in the chest put it down
		And I'm running
		In the trees I look back
		Entrails dragging behind
		Brains oozing down its shattered face
		It's still coming
		And whimpering I run and am running still
		But it follows - they follow
		And morning never comes.


	 {hplabs, menlo70, zehntel, sdcrdcf}!sytek!toms