[net.poems] more drunken snivelling

mr.mincemeat@syteka.UUCP (mr.mincemeat) (03/20/84)

(I have lots of these.  You write a lot of poems about drinking when you
 only write while you're drinking)

		Sometimes I drink and think and write
		And often it is good.

		Sometimes I drink and write
		And some of it is good.

		Sometimes I drink and drink and
		Nothing is its own reward.


		Depression used to stimulate me-
		I've written some good poems
		About feeling like shit
		Now I just feel like shit--
		What is this shit

		Drinking used to stimulate me
		And I must confess
		Sometimes it still does;
		But much more often
		I simply go to sleep.

		The evening used to stimulate me
		But all I see tonight
		Is gloom closing in
		Doom crushing in.

	     mr.(I got much better) mincemeat
	 {hplabs, menlo70, zehntel, sdcrdcf}!sytek!toms