[net.poems] badges

mr.mincemeat@syteka.UUCP (mr.mincemeat) (03/20/84)

		I guess it was fun      while it lasted
		I hope my time          wasn't wasted
		I suppose we tried some stuff,
		I can't remember now, it
		Seems like everything is over
		Before we really started but
		Sometimes it's like that they say,
		Well I don't know, goodbye seems so trite
		In times of national emergency
		But what can you say,
		I hope you have fun at camp
		I know you always likes trains;
		Remember to take a shower
		Every day if you can,
		You know how important cleanliness is.

	       (My wife never liked my tattoos
		Fuck off I told her, it's my skin
		But now I see the light.)

	 {hplabs, menlo70, zehntel, sdcrdcf}!sytek!toms