[net.poems] bye,bye,bye, not a poem.

mr.mincemeat@syteka.UUCP (mr.mincemeat) (03/26/84)

	Well, boys and girls, all things being after all
	temporally limited, it should come as no surprise
	that mr.mincemeat has given his notice; given that
	technicians generally have no use for login
	accounts (and I'm sure I'm a case in point why this
	is a good idea) it's not overlikely that I will
	return to the net in anything like immediate
	future;  This further complicated by the newfound
	determination to stop being a toiling drone who
	dabbles in sculpture and poetry to being a poet
	sculptor who dabbles in employment.  One of the many
	lessons I have learned over the past incredibly
	full year is that I do have legitimate talents;
	I feel more comfortable with my art objects than
	my poems but I like the poems too. Which brings
	me to say, once again, thanks to the people who
	sent me positive email; The fact that people
	who don't even know me respond to my writing
	has been very helpful; Yr humble mincemeat toils
	along under a heavy burden of insecurity. Anyway,
	I will churn out a few more bursts of stuff in
	these final days; Persons who are interested in
	maintaining awareness of my quest to become a
	Reckognised Artist are heartily invited to
	snailmail to my true identity, Tom Shearer,
	19323 Phil Ln Cupertino CA 95041.  I always like
	mail and in real life am quite a bit less
	cranky than this netpersona I have developed.
	Maybe I snarl because I have to netpost at work,
	O hideous drain of my precious energies; Anyway
	I Tom am not mincemeat. (not particularly).
	I send no flames via USPS.
	Anyway, keep your eyses peeled, precious, I will
	be published soon. In meantime a few more netpoems.
	    cheers mincemeat.