[net.poems] two monsters

mr.mincemeat@syteka.UUCP (mr.mincemeat) (03/27/84)

			Slick the hair
			Tie the tie
			Twirl cape-
			Those eyes, those Eyes!

			Tired streetlight leaner
			Thin and hard but young;
			Use the eyes, bare the throat
			And now it's lips and teeth...

			Liquid metal warmth
			Red and rusted liquor
			Lick the lips and finger tips
			And feel the stomach bulging...

			Streetlights fading
			And grey the sky
			A final napkin pass-
			Close the lid


		You remember even when you try to forget
		You know how it was-
		There is no one alive
		Who has not made the childhood error
		Of staying out at night
		Past the hour of fear;
		Who has not walked wide eyed in the dark
		Followed by a shadow of his mind
		Trying without success, ever,
		To walk, not run,
		Knowing with sick dread that he will;

		To run is the worst-
		To hear it chase you
		In your echoing footsteps
		But that's not what you hear;
		You know it's not
		You know it's the one
		The great fearsome horror
		The thing from your dreams
		A nightmare with claws
		Blazing red eyes and
		Sharp, sharp teeth.  It grins,
		You know it, grins as you run
		And never look back
		You NEVER look back.


	 {hplabs, menlo70, zehntel, sdcrdcf}!sytek!toms