[net.poems] i used to always feel bad

mr.mincemeat@syteka.UUCP (mr.mincemeat) (04/02/84)

		(reality sets in. it's not 1968)

		I am freezing!
		Ripped off, again,
		I'm all soaked
		I hAve no money
		I have no home
		I have no hope.
		Begging for a ride on the onramp
		Shaking in the wind and rain
		I'm running, again
		From nowhere fo nowhere
		And it looks like I'll get there

		(more random morbidity)

		When it's dying, dying does
		The world walks that we,
		And runs in happy welcome;
		A tired trail
		A good grave


	 {hplabs, menlo70, zehntel, sdcrdcf}!sytek!toms