[net.poems] one last drunk poem

mr.mincemeat@syteka.UUCP (mr.mincemeat) (04/02/84)

		I wish I had some money
		For every stupid thing I ever thought
		Was good and right and true-

		I wish I could be reimbursed
		For every time I woke up
		With some bullshit scribbled on my hands
		Some garbage I thought in a bar;
		For every time I though I wrote a poem
		When I was drunk-

		I wish I had just minimum wage
		FOr all the time I've wasted
		Getting wasted;
		And workman's comp
		For every time I fell on my ass
		When I was on my ear-

		They'd call me sir, I'd be a millionaire,
		I'm a financial wizard of useless drivel,
		A tycoon of misspent squandered thrownaway time.