[net.poems] Words for Jesus

mhauck@ihuxk.UUCP (M.J.Hauck) (04/18/84)

To walk with Jesus 4/18/84

I want to walk where you walked, Jesus
We celebrate your death, and rising
To have been there, would I have followed?
Would I wept at your death, or laugh?
Questions, I can not answer.

Jesus, you hold me in your heart.
I am not worthy of all you give.
Forgiveness with your death
Freedom with your teaching
Prophesy finally revealed.

I want to go to the holy land.
See the caves where you were born
The garden where you taught
It calls to my soul to see
To be in your land, with your people

Easter, comes, to free mankind
Your methods, I can not understand
An ugly way to die, but I accept
Freedom from sin
And your joy for the accomplishment

Mary Hauck