[net.poems] Starvation in the land of plenty, II

eokane@charm.UUCP (Evan Kane) (05/19/84)

          Have pity for the empty eyes
          That think the rainbow is a myth,
          More pity for the shrivelled heart
          That never knew of love.
          You sneer when others speak of love.
          You think it's just a dirty joke,
          A cruel hoax like Santa Claus,
          When wistful parents play pretend.
          But hate you know, no guessing there,
          You deal it out, you get it back,
          No pious ambiguity
          In hatred's simple calculus.
          Your seething hate erupts to smash,
          Destroy, lay waste, lash out, give pain,
          Trample the fragile flowers
          To make more room for thorns.
          Oh, to have known you at the age of two,
          Your trusting, hopeful eyes, your outstretched arms,
          Your needy innocence still unashamed
          Of groping for the nourishment of love.
          But now you hide behind a hostile smirk
          And fortress walls of vicious arrogance
          Protect your would-be self-sufficient pride.
          Does anybody dare to help?
          Not me.
          Not you.
          Not I.
                Evan Kane 5/18/84