[net.poems] The Inventor Who Was Not Satisfied With Suburban Life

grw@fortune.UUCP (Glenn Wichman) (06/07/84)


    The Inventor Who Was Not Satisfied with Suburban Life

	For me the biggest dream came to true
	In a pink house feeling blue
	I sat, fat, happy, safe and bored
	Nothing more to struggle toward
	Getting here was all the fun
	The cold hard struggle now is done
	The sky is blue, the grass is green
	The air is way too clear
	I think I'll build a time machine
	I must get out of here.

	The commander speaks out in Old Norse
	The Viking warship alters course
	I sail with nordic pillagers
	Surprised the hapless villagers
	The Viking Glories in my head
	Were lost on faces of the dead
	As the last old farmer died
	The Vikings gave a cheer
	I am feeling sick inside
	I must get out of here.

	The Cuban freedom fighters speak
	It is Cuba's good we seek
	If some must die in Freedom's birth
	Destiny shows what it's worth
	Brother killing brother face to face
	A new dictator takes the old one's place
	All we gave this nation
	is someone new to fear
	I fear retaliation
	I must get out of here.

	Mars Hill abuzz with Attic Greek
	I think I'll stop and take a peek
	I sat and talked philosophies
	With those who follow Socrates
	I followed him among the best
	Until the day of his arrest
	The Greeks and their democracy
	Are not what they appear
	Before they get around to me
	I must get out of here.

	Harsh words in Aramaic came
	To those who serve God just in name
	I follow to Jerusalem
	I sing His song along with them
	I saw the price that Jesus paid
	I saw the night He was betrayed
	They took Him to be crucified
	I watch the people jeer
	I could not watch Him as He died
	I must get out of here.

	For me the biggest dream came to true
	In a way I never knew
	Through ages past adventure came
	I found them all to be the same
	Each days glory, each days sin
	My new adventure lies within
	My time machine will turn to rust
	His Spirit draws me near
	My body fades away to dust
	I must be out of here.
