[net.poems] more purple poetry

colonel@gloria.UUCP (George Sicherman) (06/12/84)

[UG: bug, chug, dug, hug, lug, mug, pug, rug, slug, snug, tug, ugh!]

	red chop stick
	orange chap stick
	yellow chip steak
	green cheap skate
	blue chip stock

	hack bush blue
	jack boots green
	crack pots yellow
	sock hops orange
	sack buts red
	black tops ???

		*** STACK OVERFLOW AT 004000

Col. G. L. Sicherman

colonel@gloria.UUCP (George Sicherman) (06/13/84)

[what cow?]

		Where did you find
		  That purple tuxedo?
		At "Boutique for the Blind"
		  In downtown Toledo.

Professor Doberman:
	In this latest wave of neo-romantic poetry, one cannot help
detecting a discordant note of intolerance, or rather of insensitivity
to the reader's legitimate experiential wants.  While the form of the
poem is as rigidly classical as any of Pound's cantos, the author
evidently has difficulty in sustaining the appropriate tone.  To put
it quite simply, the poem lacks maturity.  It propels its author at
once into the back rank of unestablished poets.

The author replies:
	He misses the point.  Limericks aren't meant to be political.

Col. G. L. Sicherman