[net.poems] stillborn

eokane@charm.UUCP (Evan Kane) (06/06/84)

    From the memorial service for Sarah Lorraine Savage,
    stillborn 5/29/84. Died 5/20/84 seven and one-half
    months after conception. Service on 6/2/84.

         Sarah Lorraine
         So many hands
         And hearts
         And hopes
         Waiting for you.
         But you stumble
         In the early darkness
         And none of us
         Can help you.
         Our empty arms
         Yearn for you,
         Our tears despair
         Your undeveloped promise.
         Two tiny footprints
         In perfect miniature,
         Two hurting photographs,
         A little lock of hair
         And burnt-out hopes
         Are all we have
         For memories of you.

         "Without love, there is no grief
         but without love, life has no meaning,
         so as long as we have the strength,
         let us take the risk of loving."

                Evan Kane

	  Sarah Lorraine

    Bouncing, kicking, active babe
	 You dance no more.
	     I love you,
	 Granddaughter mine,

	   Sarah Lorraine

		   Anne Bassler Kane

eokane@charm.UUCP (Evan Kane) (07/17/84)

            Children, I weep for you,
            Battered and aching,
            Hurry the healing hours,
            Bringing you whole.
            Hasten the happy day
            When you may hold her,
            Tenderly, hopefully,
            Safe in your arms.
            Freely let flow now
            Your choked-back emotions,
            Loosen the gates
            That impounded your love.
            Secure and surrounded,
            She will thrive in your nurture,
            Growing and learning,
            Pushing her bounds.
            Soon, oh too soon
            Will her feet start to wander,
            Now quickly returning,
            Now farther and farther.

            Soon, oh too soon
            Will she shun your protection,
            No longer needed,
            No longer desired.
            And you may be proud,
            But you will be hurting
            And you'll hunger for grandchildren
            As I do now.
                 Evan Kane 6/27/84