[net.poems] Forests

taylor@sdccsu3.UUCP (08/07/84)

	This is one of a series of poems in which I experiment with
trying to evoke memories of a specific place.


		The forest around me is hushed
		with the expectation of a
		thousand years.

		All this time, and still they
		wait.  The trees.  The animals.

		The ground below my feet is soft
		with the litter of the trees and
		bushes.  An occasional creature
		rustles the undergrowth to remind me
		it's there.

		In the distance, the bellow 
		of some strange and eerie

		It's always dusk here.

		As I stand, 
		  perfectly still,
		the forest accepts me.
		It begins to function again.
		The trees benevolently grant me
		the cool
		The animals scamper.

		The ferns are silent.

		The wind blows suddenly,
		attempting to disturb the
		stillness, but
		to no avail.

		The silence is preserved.
