[net.poems] Beowulf - Revisited

ivy@ihuxt.UUCP (08/21/84)

One best appreciates this set of limmerick stanzas
if acquanted with the Norse saga of the same name...............................
(even if it was back in high school lit class).


King Hrothgar did build a Mead-Hall,
And then threw the most riotous Ball.
The Noise, it was said,
Did waken the Dead !
Such was the Up-Roar at Hart-Hall!

This bothered a Monster, named Grendel,
Who got flustered, and flew off the Handle!
The Party, he crashed,
Thirty Drunkards, he smashed,
And carried them off, in a Bundle.

Then Beowulf came (He's the He-ro!)
And said to the King,
"Have no Fear (Oh!)
"For I'll slay the Beast,
"And we'll all have a Feast,
"With one-thousand Six-Packs of Beer (Oh!)!"

They got stoned and all slept in the Mead-Hall,
When Grendel stopped by, for a House-Call.
He gulped down a Thane,
And then said, "For the Main,
"Course, Beowulf sureley should top All!"

Beowulf heard that this Thing meant him Harm,
So he grabbed onto Grendel's left Arm.
Getting straight to the Point,
Ripped it out of its Joint,
Which gave Grendel great Cause for Alarm!

Thus, Beowulf earned his Renown,
And the King threw a Party, downtown.
To it came a Mother,
'Twas Grendel's, none other,
And swallowed a Counselor down.

Our Hero grew pale in the Face:
Yet Another of Grendel's cruel Race!
But, he killed her, quite Dead,
And then took Grendel's Head,
To hang o'er the King's Fireplace.

Fifty Years, as a King, he'd defend.
'Til a Dragon, its Challenge, did send.
He killed it: one - two!
But got baked (clean through!)
And thus does our Saga now end.

                       David JJ Iverson
                       Michael Shawaluk