[net.poems] rejective memory

arwen@sdcc3.UUCP (arwen) (10/23/84)

(a memory of rejection)

Tail held softly like a dragonfly in flight,
one tiny squirrel leapt rings around the dirt.
You had eyes like that, bright and piercing,
dark black and mocking.  The creature whispered
through the dust,
each movement light like your hair.
It slipped towards me, gracefully,
as you might have in some dance we never danced,
or in some dream.
I longed to touch its gleaming fur;
I longed for it to be you.

			Valerie Polichar
Comments, as usual, are most welcome.

-=< Lady Arwen >=-		 ...sdcsvax!sdcc3!arwen 	

"I don't even *have* a little dog Toto!"