[net.poems] Death

mhauck@ihuxk.UUCP (M.J.Hauck) (10/31/84)

Death Call 10/30/84

When death knocks apond the door
  will you be able to answer freely?
What deeds will have been left undone
  or the desire to re-do them differently

Are you afraid to open the door
  death need no knock, death is courteous
Do you feat the unknown that awaits
  because your heart is on as light as a feather

Yes, we are all dying, and have been
  since the day of birth
Some believe they will enter paradise
  others believe they will be re-born

I believe death is change, and I welcome
  change, who knows if it is better or worst
For I will walk forward unafraid to meet
  death when death knock upon my door.

Mary Hauck
Good for Halloween