[net.poems] Lonely poems

mhauck@ihuxk.UUCP (M.J.Hauck) (11/30/84)

Gift 11/27/84

A gift unknowingly arrived that day
	long ago, when I was alone
It came wrapped deceptively innocent
	how could I know
I played with the layers of wrapping
	a happy child with a new toy
By the time I realized my error
	I was to tangled in it all
So now I fight for reality
	to lose, is to die
I will return to my space
	smarter for my experience
Mary Hauck

My Mind 11/27/84

	My mind was chained by lonelyness
empty evenings creating a void in my soul
	I took a step outside alone and
found it filled with life
	How I hated to go out alone, but now
I have re-learned the trick
	The day is bright and I can watch
the people go by
	I am still lonely, but now I
can discover the rest of the world
Mary Hauck

Way of God 11/28/84

	Way of God, I am but mortal
understanding your will, I will not try
	Walking in you shadow, I am cleaned
you have touched my soiled soul
	Great God, how do you look upon me
when I have taken the wrong path
	You are great in you forgiving ways
to take back one who is like me
Mary Hauck

Can You? 11/29/84

Can you hear the beat of my heart?
	across the empty room
	I feel the beating of the drum
	alone, I am alone here
Can you hear the scream of my spirit?
	as it is held captive 
	I feel the vibrations of the voice
	alone, I am alone here
Can you hear the tears as they travel my face?
	as they wash the dust
	I feel the running of the salty water
	alone, I am alone here
Can you hear the blood as is it escapes?
	from this casing of flesh
	I feel the flowing of life
	alone, I am alone here
Mary Hauck
Don't panic, just venting some frustrations.  It always feels
good to let it out.