[net.poems] Writing on a Wall

mf@cornell.UUCP (mf) (11/30/84)

[The following is a graffiti I saw some time ago.  If it is not
 original and you know where it comes from, please let me know.]

	Sick of people		no one's real
	Sick of chicks		they're all bitches
	Sick of you		you're hip
	Sick of life		it sucks

	Suicide's an alternative

	Sick of trying		what's the point
	Sick of talking		no one listens
	Sick of listening	it's all lies
	Sick of thinking	just end up confused
	Sick of moving		never get nowhere
	Sick of myself		don't want to live
	Sick and tired		and no one cares
	Sick of life		it sucks

	Suicide's an alternative

	Sick of politics	for the rich
	Sick of power		only oppresses
	Sick of government	full of tyrants
	Sick of school		total brainwash
	Sick of music		top 40 sucks
	Sick of myself		don't want to live
	Sick and tired		and no one cares
	Sick of life		it sucks

	Sick of life		it sucks
	Sick and tired		no one cares
	Sick of myself		don't want to live
	Sick of living		gonna die