[net.poems] An Untitled Poem...

6912ar04@sjuvax.UUCP (rowley) (12/03/84)

I am the product of too
many environmental factors
Science has stripped me of
my humanity, technology of
my identity...
Behold, the electric eunuch!

There are those of us
who point to the brink
with frustrated fingers
and abused tongues mocked
as featherless parrots
 A nation of complacency
and Kodachrome families
with programmed emotions
and empty souls

 Charisma feeds the hungry
like sexuality stops rapists...
Enough of this! Dispose of the
video pied-pipers and their
 I've had enough of the TV
emperors and their id-related
doctrines, for the pleasure
principle is the American
Dream run rampant
 A plant outgrown its pot
withers and events lie along
that course
 Give us wings to fly
Give us a little more time
to perfect what we have
Give us burning sunsets to
go down with in flaming
Give us trust among strangers
and feasts for the hungry
 We need magic in the night
to calm fears and bring light
to darkened eyes and joy to 
eclipsed souls...

(c) 1984 Anthony J. Rowley

Please reply,I'd like to hear comments on my first
faltering attempt...