[net.poems] Fleetwood Convertible

6912ar04@sjuvax.UUCP (rowley) (12/10/84)


 Fleetwood Convertible, By A. J. Rowley

 Fleetwood convertible
 softly humming dreadnought
 of urban streets and quiet
 suburban byways
 High gloss enamel
blacker than death at
midnight accented
by the icy glint of metal
and cold polished chrome
Distorted mirror images
of pedestrians caught as
in a still pool of liquid
Shining tailfins with
razor-sharp edges
Brilliant spoked hubcaps
which catch the hot glare
of streetlights in their spin
Top down
Pure white leather and carpet
sealed everywhere by its creator
in a faroff sootchoked 
midwestern factory town
Its overall gleam
in contrast to its origins...

(c) 1984 Anthony J. Rowley

Comments,reviews,etc. most welcome...