agi@pucc-h (bigger) (12/06/84)
Sink It's funny, thinking about drowning with your arms elbow deep in dishwater; eddies and swirls, water lapping, foam dripping from another clean plate. Pots and pans bump with the muffled sounds of motor boats and trawlers, tugging on moorings and nudging the peer with the rise and fall of the waves. I close my eyes with a cup to my ear and the surf seems to roar and call. Seems I've daydreamed and let the water run too long and I'm forever splashing the front of my shirt and dripping on my shoes always aware of the leaky drain, always aware of the undertow. With the fog of steam that rises from the dirty water, comes a warm itch to my nose that I scratch with a dripping hand. I get water in my eye, a soapy, salty sting, and I wonder if I'm in over my head and my lungs burn for a fresh breath of air. Scott Bigger {allegra, decvax, ucbvax, tektronix}!pur-ee!pucc-h.gml And, as always, comments are most appreciated
ps7@sdcc11.UUCP (ps7) (12/12/84)
INDEPENDENCE OF HEART Finding my way back took the longest part of my life. took my spirit, stole my soul. I had searched for the reasons and produced only dreams. I had hunted down emotions-- but was fed only the logic of marriage. but somewhere I found it, the independence of my heart-- it was free to give to who it wanted, instead of to who demanded. :wq . wq . .
derek@uwvax.UUCP (Derek Zahn) (12/14/84)
. . . > it was free to give to who > it wanted, instead of to who > demanded. > :wq > . > wq > . > > > > . Untitled masterpiece #26 -- vi. i ... a ... bbdw $a ... bbbbd$ :q! -r? sh*t -- Derek Zahn @ wisconsin ...!{allegra,heurikon,ihnp4,seismo,sfwin,ucbvax,uwm-evax}!uwvax!derek