[net.poems] Social Commentary

6912ar04@sjuvax.UUCP (rowley) (12/17/84)

 Social commentary (slings and arrows as opposed to rocks and garbage)

 An age of overt hypocrisy
We are perfectly willing to
sacrifice salvation for the
sake of security
 Immolation on the altar of
the American Way
 The chopping off of parts
to prove that we are whole
We are the new rats of Hamelin
led into the abyss by songs
of promise piped 
by false prophets
 We sit holloweyed before
flickering facsimiles of
once-lofty aspirations
We are voyeurs all
able to peer within forbidden
temples to watch outlawed acts
 Vicarious pleasures gone
respectable piped into every
house and hovel accompanied
by televangelists preaching
the gospel of conformity
 There may be safety in 
numbers, but there is no
security in conformity...
 A mad headlong dash to
keep up with the millions
of Joneses in the rat race
known as American Society
 Pressure beautifies carbon
but deforms humanity 
There is no crime in seeking
perfection and grace in their
various forms, but at what 
cost and by what methods?
 Age premature coupled with
the age taboo forms the most
vicious of cycles;
old trying to be young striving
to be old...
 We are seeking that which 
has already passed us by,that
we avoided in its passage,and
which taunts us now in the
discontent of our respective winters...

(c) 1984 Anthony J. Rowley

Comments,critiques,criticisms,pats-on-the-back,etc. both welcome and appreciated