[net.poems] SONG

bob@security.UUCP (Bob Jordan esq.) (12/20/84)

 Every song must end.
 However, I have heard some continue
 even after the music has stopped;
 as a hum maybe, or pursed lips whistling
 in time to the tattoo of my fingers
 drumming lightly upon my chair.

 Love, too, is a song; sometimes lively,
 now slow; and as every beginning
 is different, so are the finales.
 This bond we share is a duet;
 but eventually the music will finish
 and slowly fade away.

 Then it shall be music-
 a song will be your legacy.
 Your hands clutch; I twirl, pirouette,
 am spinning around. As I approach you
 yet I dance away. Nearer,
 closer, and then I'm gone.

 I will never forget your song.
 Long after the instruments have ceased
 to play I shall hum your melody.
 I will hear your rhythms
 reverberating softly within my head;
 knowing that all songs must end.