[net.poems] First for 1985

mhauck@ihuxk.UUCP (Mary J. Hauck spirit in the world) (01/03/85)

To California 1/2/85

Soar over the mountains
See the whales migrating
The hawks flying above

A land of sharp differences
The broken earth, jutting upward
Green valleys flow between the mountains

Traffic form rivers of metal
As houses cover the hills like flowers
Airplanes fill the air above

Nature you have lost to technology
Mankind has pushed you away
And I grieve for California

Mary Hauck
My first time to the west coast, it was
an experience.

The Exchange 1/2/85

The greatest thing is a touch
When a hand meets another hand
Warmth exchanged, shared with the other

The blending of hearts
When spirits intertwine, and merge
Life exchanged, given freely to the other

The meeting of two people
When eyes meet and know this is real
To exchange each other with the other

Mary Hauck
I'm dreaming again.