[net.poems] Crazy poems

mhauck@ihuxk.UUCP (Mary J. Hauck spirit in the world) (01/05/85)

Have I 1/4/85

Have I touched you?
Reached inside and plucked the cord of life?
Then turned with a smile to live again
Run from me, hide, I am the searcher
I will make you give unwillingly
To, open your heart and release your spirit

See me, hear my voice
I am the wind that kisses your face
The dream that enters your deepest sleep
Open your eyes, I am near
My warmth is your warmth
I can not be stopped, I live!

Will you run, I have pushed you
This is my way of releasing you
I will stand, must stand alone
Dreamer that I am, surrounded by others
I feel the love of them lifting me
Carry me to the new level of existence.

Mary Hauck
I feel the carring of the country, thanks.

The Heart 1/3/84

The heart is the place of forever
	when someone touches this spirit
Descend to earth, enter a mortal body
	in entering the spirit is opened to pain
But full life has it costs
	the price of loving and losing
This spirit wished to learn these emotions
	which is stronger and deeper
Hold on to that hand that reaches	1/4/84
	feel the blood pumping rhythmically
Experience the joys of falling in love
	and the pain of anger with your lover
Spirit beware of being bounded here
	return to your home in the sky
Mary Hauck