[net.poems] Autumn, just after the crickets stop chirping

derek@uwvax.UUCP (Derek Zahn) (01/08/85)

The wheels turn,
The fires burn;
The river flows uncaring by.
The night mends
The day's trends
And silence wraps the starry sky.
The candle's wick comes to an end,
In darkness, no more warmth to lend.
Night birds screech their lonely song
And I, in silence, sing along.
The end comes,
The cold numbs,
And Satan leers an evil grin.
The wind cries,
The flame dies,
Regretting it had ever been.
The candle's wick comes to an end,
In darkness, no more warmth to lend.
Night birds screech their lonely song
And I, in silence, sing along.

Derek Zahn @ wisconsin