[net.poems] Wyvern

tom@omovax.UUCP (Tom Clodfelter) (01/08/85)


	Wyvern where art thou
	  that I may ride your
	Golden wings to the stars,
	  and look down upon the
	Sky below.  A sky turned
	  inside out,
	Blue and green patched,
	  broken by clouds,
	Soft and hazey.

	I go and do what I must.
	  Your wings are so fair,
	They make the journey so.
	  Your soft magic sooths
	And yet makes my heart 

	We are a symbiosis.  Neither
	  the master or slave.
	One with each other,  whole
	  only in union,
	in flight.

		Tom Clodfelter 1981

"Life is hard, and then you die."