[net.poems] Dragons and You Are

mhauck@ihuxk.UUCP (Mary J. Hauck spirit in the world) (01/19/85)

Dragon Hunting 1/16/85

To chase the dragon
In a fantasy of one own making
The challenge of the unknown
To stalk the allusive prey

Hearing it always ahead
Never seeing the dragon
We follow, not knowing where
Soon to overtake the beast

We meet the dragon
Many faceted eyes look upon us mortals
He has waited for us
Here in his own world

We have chased the dragon
Now we face the dragons world
To offer him out friendships
And he has accepted us

Mary Hauck
The Phoenix rises

You Are 1/8/85

You are a breath of fresh air
Where no wind has blown before
You are the warmth of a touch
Upon a hand cold from being abandoned
You are a beautiful unending dream
Were only nightmares once existed
You are the key to this prison
For a lock long rusted from disuse
You are the rainbow on the wall
Where light has never touched
You are the bringer of food and water
To a person dying of hunger and thirst

Mary Hauck
The Phoenix rises