[net.poems] pointer wanted on poem about pedestalization of women

lkk@mit-eddie.UUCP (Larry Kolodney) (01/29/85)

I have a vague recollection of a quotation that somebody posted to the
net about two years ago on the subject of infatuation and the
pedestalization of women.  It was some form of poem which basically said
that this man was flabergasted when he discovered that the woman 
who he was infatuated with performed certain excretory functions.

The last line went something like:

<woman's name>, <woman's name>, <woman's name>, <slang word for excrement>s.

If anybody could MAIL to me the name of the author of this piece (I seem to
remember he was a famous author), and the text, I would be most appreciative.


-larry kolodney

pruhs@uwvax.UUCP (Kirk Pruhs) (01/29/85)

> I have a vague recollection of a quotation that somebody posted to the
> net about two years ago on the subject of infatuation and the
> pedestalization of women.  It was some form of poem which basically said
> that this man was flabergasted when he discovered that the woman 
> who he was infatuated with performed certain excretory functions.
> The last line went something like:
> <woman's name>, <woman's name>, <woman's name>, <slang word for excrement>s.
> If anybody could MAIL to me the name of the author of this piece (I seem to
> remember he was a famous author), and the text, I would be most appreciative.
> Thanks.
> -larry kolodney
> ...!decvax!genrad!mit-eddie!lkk
> ...!ihnp4!mit-eddie!lkk

Or post it on the net, so others may read it.

pruhs@uwvax.UUCP (Kirk Pruhs) (01/29/85)

> I have a vague recollection of a quotation that somebody posted to the
> net about two years ago on the subject of infatuation and the
> pedestalization of women.  It was some form of poem which basically said
> that this man was flabergasted when he discovered that the woman 
> who he was infatuated with performed certain excretory functions.
> The last line went something like:
> <woman's name>, <woman's name>, <woman's name>, <slang word for excrement>s.
> If anybody could MAIL to me the name of the author of this piece (I seem to
> remember he was a famous author), and the text, I would be most appreciative.
> Thanks.
> -larry kolodney
> ...!decvax!genrad!mit-eddie!lkk
> ...!ihnp4!mit-eddie!lkk

If anyone has this info I would appreciate  if you would post it on the net.