[net.poems] dwarf

valerie@sdcc3.UUCP (Valerie Polichar) (01/31/85)

You stand on the threshold,
the voyeur.
The shadows keep you hidden.

Inside, the girl tilts her shoulders
and red satin tumbles down.

You know the creatures
crawling through the hollows of her face.

You know the dark arch of her foot
and the sour stains at her underarm.

No one has seen you in many years.
In many years no mirror has blessed your horny face.

It is possible that a mirror would not reflect you, now.
It is possible that it would break.

You do not care,
you are planning a treasure hunt.

On the girl within you have drawn a map
of the dark places, and of the others.
You watch her many visitors.

The man who is with her is tall
and does not smoke.

comments, as usual, welcome & appreciated.

-=< Valerie Polichar >=-		 ...sdcsvax!sdcc3!valerie

"And the Crimson Dynamo
 just couldn't cut it no more;
 you were the Law - "