[net.poems] Eulogy for Max the Spider

houts@reed.UUCP (Bill Dark) (02/02/85)

A sad farewell we bid to thee,
My eight-legged stage door friend;
And the wreath of fat houseflies laid on your grave
We will lovingly cherish and tend.

A regular Thespis in spidery form,
Though Nature created him dumb;
Hamming it up from a silvery thread
Was our bon vivant arthropod chum.

But Nature weaves a tangled web 
Which brings us to spiderless days,
And our mandibled comrade's earthly friends
Now sing the following praise:

"He devoted his forces to Culture and Art,
 That tasteful retainer named 'Max' did,
 And that is why we each shed a tear
 For our elegant stage-door arachnid."