[net.poems] critical poetry

llfe@hound.UUCP (L.FENG) (02/19/85)

I would like to start some discussion on "what constitutes a good poem."
There are a number of things that have to be defined before we can start
talking about poems, but I think that this can lead to an interesting
discussion.  First, we need to define good.  Therefore, in English poetry,

1)  what is the purpose of a poem?
	Is it social comment?
	Is it self expression?
	Is it a literary exercise?
	Is it something else?
	Is it a combination of things?  If so, what?

2)  what are the various forms of poetry?
	What are the various rules (meter, rhyme, alliteration) for the forms?
	Is there a "free" form with NO rules?
	Does it matter?

3)  from the above, can we determine a set of rules that
    defines "good poetry," realizing that there will always
    be poetry that is good that falls outside of our rules?

What other questions can we ask?
From the lunch hour of hound!llfe.