[net.poems] Living

prem@eagle.UUCP (Swami Devanbu) (01/29/85)

The blinding flash, the civilization-crippling EMP, the fallout....
the split-second end of all that we know, understand, love and hate.
Reality that makes the movie "The Day After" look like a picnic.

This is what we live with.. this is probably the single most potent
inner nightmare that all of try to turn away from, without success.
The result: dreams,the blind pursuit of pleasure, a narcissistic lifestyle, 
etc etc. 

I'd like to hear from people what their inner experiences are, as they try
to live a purposeful, useful life, with this nightmare hanging over them.
What kinds of things do you dream about ? What are your worst fantasies ?
Are you motivated to work for survival ? If so, what do you do ?
If not, why not ? What situations cause you to think the unthinkable ?
Who would you like to be with if "it" happens, and why ? Do you have
dreams about "it" ? Who usually figures in the dream ? How do you feel 
when you wake up from the dream ?

I am not interested in Political/Technical diatribes. I want to hear about
fears, hopes, feelings. I am trying to write about this, and I would love
to draw on a variety of experiences. Any thing you write will be treated
in full confidence, and will be acknowledged, as you prefer.

anxiously waiting, 

prem devanbu

{allegra,ihnp4,ucbvax}!eagle!prem 	....	USENET
"eagle!prem"@UCBVAX.ARPA		....    ARPANET
Bell Labs, 190 River Road, Summit, NJ07901

sunny@sun.uucp (Sunny Kirsten) (02/08/85)

only giving all the love you can muster to as many people as you can, in the
hopes of turning them toward loving their brethren vs wishing to nuke some
of them in the mistaken idea that they can gain from anothers loss will
save the world from nuclear madness.  OR... nuke washington and the kremlin
and get it over with.  

Is it the people, or the politicians who would wage nuclear war?

rcd@opus.UUCP (Dick Dunn) (02/12/85)

I'm not sure how this topic ended up in net.singles (among others) except
perhaps because of its pervasive influence on us...but anyway, the answer
is clear.  I've heard it once attributed to the Grateful Dead, and five
days ago I heard the precise same idea conceived quite independently from
an older Belgian-born gentleman now living in Zaire:

	The problem could be quite simply solved by chroming the White
Dick Dunn	{hao,ucbvax,allegra}!nbires!rcd		(303)444-5710 x3086
   ...Cerebus for dictator!

sam@rocksvax.UUCP (Sam Houston) (02/20/85)

I have found that taking a decisive personal & public
stand on the matter provides one with the satisfaction
and inner peace necessary to face this truly incredible
situation each day; to wit:

I have carefully placed a "You can't hug a child with
nuclear arms" bumper sticker right next to my
"I love Racquetball" sticker in the certain knowledge
that the existential combination will wrench the hearts &
minds of all who see it.

(put me down for sarcasm, hedonism, and denial )

Robert ("sam") Houston- Xerox Corp., Rochester, N.Y.
{allegra, rochester, amd, sunybcs}!rocksvax!sam

ron@brl-tgr.ARPA (Ron Natalie <ron>) (02/22/85)

> I have carefully placed a "You can't hug a child with
> nuclear arms" 

You can't warm your children with a nuclear freeze.